Gemini is a "skin" created for PmWiki by Hans Bracker. Maybe "face" would be a better name, since it is what you are facing here: the appearance in form of colours, fonts and borders used, the specific layout of the page and its navigational aids, and the functionality of buttons and links employed therein.

`Gemini can show many different faces, and it is highly customisable and changable in its looks and functions. If Style Options are enabled you can choose from a number of styles for colours, fonts and layouts, for your own use, without affecting others.

`Gemini is under constant development. You can find detailed information on the Pmwiki website at Cookbook:GeminiSkin or the author's website at

Version: gemini 2007-03-05

This page may have a more recent version on PmWiki:GeminiSkin, and a talk page: PmWiki:GeminiSkin-Talk.

Page last modified 22/02/2025 ore 16:33 CET